Front End Engineering Design (FEED)

One of the most impactful and transformative things we do as a partner is provide the service of a FEED study. A Front End Engineering Design is the first step in any large capital project and is imperative for its success.

After a concept is created, a FEED study is done to provide information like:

  • Estimated Investment costs and total cost of ownership for cost justification and capital allocation or CAR creation
  • Detailed architecture design
  • Technology selection to ensure a cohesive, feature-rich, and dependable solution
  • Basic functional requirements
  • Detailed scope of work and requirements needed for vendors to bid against

Some of the most basic but important engineering decisions are made at this point that steer the engineering designs made for the rest of the project. By taking into consideration factors like project goals, corporate and industry standards, current installation base, requirements of key stakeholders (IT, operations, engineering, maintenance, quality, etc.) and current and upcoming technologies, we are able to help create that clear vision of what the design needs to be.

Some pitfalls of skipping this step or not partnering with the right company include:

  • Outdated design based in old technology and poor technology vision
  • Poor architecture resulting in communication gaps, bottlenecks, poor flexibility, and non-conformance with industry and corporate standards
  • Poor project scoping resulting in inconsistent bidding process and poor vendor selection
  • Misalignment with company goals resulting in poor executive sponsorship or even rejection of funding request
  • Project funding overrun as a result of excessive change orders from improper scoping
network with oil refinery industry plant background
automation Chart with keywords and icons

Our Approach to Front End Engineering Design

Tri Tech Automation has many engineers with backgrounds in a diverse sampling of vertical markets and project types. Our approach is to work with customers to best understand the goals of the project along with the capabilities and requirements of the stakeholders of the project.

Our experience allows us to analyze a project charter or requirements and determine what gaps need to be included in the overall project scope of supply. This may include power requirements, utility infrastructure, and networking needs, among other basic tangible and intangible needs. When performing a FEED study, everything must be considered as it is often the case that there is no good opportunity to get more funding.

Benefits of a FEED Study

Key Stakeholder Buy-In and Executive Support

The number one reason that a project ultimately fails is that the project goals and scope do not align with the company’s strategic plan. They also do not have the support of executive members or key stakeholders. By getting buy-in from stakeholders like Operations, Maintenance, IT, Quality, and Safety, a project has a much higher rate of success and decreased probability of roadblocks from unconsulted parties within the organization.

Proper Project Scope Definition

By ensuring that all vendors are proposing all-encompassing solutions and have matching deliverables, our partners can be sure that the bids they are comparing are apples to apples.

Comprehensive Engineering Design and Architecture

Tri Tech Automation takes pride in our ability to architect a technical solution that meets all of the needs of a project while keeping an eye on the future. It is our job to know what technologies are out there, their advantages and disadvantages, and how they can make our customers’ lives better. By understanding this and presenting options in a cost-benefit form, we can help our partners make educated decisions that will positively impact their business for years to come.

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